Vacations Funds

30 Oct 2017

Saya Memasak: Puding Tembikai

October 30, 2017 4 Comments

1. 1 paket agar-agar tali (boleh guna serbuk agar-agar)
2. 3 keping roti (saya guna roti Gardenia)
3. 4 cawan air
4. 2 sudu makan gula
5. 3 sudu makan susu pekat manis
6. 1 cawan susu cair
7. 3-5 titik perisa Vanilla
 - Cincau dipotong kecil
- Pewarna hijau dan merah

Cara Memasak:
1. Masak agar-agar bersama gula dan air hingga hancur.
2. Carik-carikkan roti kemudian rendam dalam susu cair. Tuang bahan ini dalam blender. Tambahkan susu pekat dan telur. Blender hingga halus.
3. Setelah agar-agar dan gula hancur, masukkan bahan yang telah diblender dan tambah perisa Vanilla. Biarkan mendidih sebentar dan pekat. Tutup api .
4. Ambil sedikit adunan (1 cawan) dan letak pewarna hijau (sebagai kulit tembikai). Letakkan dalam loyang dan biarkan sejuk sebentar.
5. Ambil lagi sedikit adunan (setengah cawan) dan curahkan ke atas adunan warna hijau tadi. Biarkan sejuk.
6. Campurkan cincau yang sudah dipotong kecil pada baki adunan dan letakkan warna merah. Gaul hingga sebati dan curahkan ke atas lapisan warna asal/putih. Biarkan sejuk sebelum diletakkan dalam peti ais.

Selamat mencuba. 

*Resepi ini saya tambah/kurangkan dari resepi-resepi Puding Tembikai yang dikongsikan dalam internet.

29 Oct 2017

Benefits of Vacation

October 29, 2017 8 Comments
I miss going for vacations so much. The feeling is getting deeper whenever I looks back into my previous vacation pictures. My last vacation outside of Malaysia was in 2015.

Having breakfast with the view of Mount Kinabalu at Hounon Ridge Farmstay and Camping, Bundu Tuhan, Ranau. 2016.

Pura Lot Temple/ Tanah Lot Temple, Bali Indonesia. 2015.

Going for vacations are good and give many benefits to our life. It will give us an opportunity to see newer perspective of this world. Experts suggest that people should go for a vacation at least once in a year. I personally agreed with that statement. Vacations are good for our health. Going for vacations offers a good chance to our body to turn off the stress systems and repairing our whole body system as well.

Manila Cathedral, Philipines. 2014

Vacations are happiness pills for some people. Yes, it’s true. People are tended to feel happy, good mood and less stressed when they are on vacations. From my personal experiences and observations, people who are going for vacations said that they are having the highest happiness level in their life. They also more satisfy and appreciate their life much better.
Exploring Candi Borobudur, Jogjakarta Indonesia, 2014.

Taman Wisata Alam Tangkuban Parahu, Bandung Indonesia, 2012.

About to exploring Niah Cave, Miri Sarawak, 2013.
Furthermore, vacations also giving benefit for people’s career because it will help in increasing productivity. People or employees who are taking vacation have lower level of stress and burnout. They came back from a vacation in happy mood and feel energetic to restart their work.
Chenang Beach, Langkawi. 2012

Rumah Mode, Bandung Indonesia. 2012.

Actually, there are still many benefits of going for vacation to our life. Only the person that going for vacation knows why vacation are good for them. So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next vacation now and explore it by yourself, what is so good about going for vacation.

19 Oct 2017

I am stranded

October 19, 2017 6 Comments
I am Stranded.

I’ve been spending my holiday in town since Saturday and planning to go back to my hometown this morning but due to the flood, I better cancel my plan.

So here I am, sitting down looking at the rain drops through the half opened window of my tiny apartment. It has been raining for almost 4 days now and it isn’t exaggerating if I say, I miss the sun shine and the bright skies up there.

Yes, I am stranded.

My body and mind can’t act and think properly.  I have been resting too much. I want to eat nice foods but there is nothing left inside the freezer for me to cook. No feelings of going for the grocery shopping either. This cold and gloomy weather make me become a lazy person. 

I am stranded.

I was hoping the rains would stop and the flood will subside soon.

10 Oct 2017

Tindakon Dazang Beach - A Throwback

October 10, 2017 1 Comments
I couldn't really remember how many times I been into this beach. Located at Kudat, this beach a lil bit isolated but offer such a wonderful beach view to the visitors. At this beach visitor also can see an unique rock formation which looks like a lion head. During low tide, there is a cave behind this rock and worth to explore. However, I still don’t get my luck to explore the cave.  Next visit, maybe?

7 Oct 2017

Beach Calling - Kelambu Beach

October 07, 2017 8 Comments
Beautiful views at the Kelambu Beach ( Pantai Kelambu), Kudat. Too bad that I can't stay till late in the evening to capture the sunset view. Anyway I promise to come back to this place again in the future. 

Entrance Fee: NIL

How to get there: Easy, just use Waze app.

Accessibility: Road Condition to this place can be access by all type of cars 

Public Facilities: There are toilets available and need to pay RM0.30 but during my visit, toilets are closed and locked. 

My final verdict: Nice beach, beautiful views but lots of rubbish’s (tree branches, plastics, bottles)