Vacations Funds

19 Oct 2017

I am stranded

I am Stranded.

I’ve been spending my holiday in town since Saturday and planning to go back to my hometown this morning but due to the flood, I better cancel my plan.

So here I am, sitting down looking at the rain drops through the half opened window of my tiny apartment. It has been raining for almost 4 days now and it isn’t exaggerating if I say, I miss the sun shine and the bright skies up there.

Yes, I am stranded.

My body and mind can’t act and think properly.  I have been resting too much. I want to eat nice foods but there is nothing left inside the freezer for me to cook. No feelings of going for the grocery shopping either. This cold and gloomy weather make me become a lazy person. 

I am stranded.

I was hoping the rains would stop and the flood will subside soon.


  1. Bah tida suda hujan ni hari cath .. bulih sudah ko limpas kb tu hehe

    1. Sdh balik yg ptng khamis jg. Ikut jalan alternatif sbb yg rndabout KB tu x dpt limpas kalo kereta rendah.

  2. meh dtg sini pekena kopi dgn sy ;-)

    1. Hehe..insyallah. Kalau ada kesempatan ke semenanjung, akan kontek Anies untuk kopi2.

  3. wah bagaimana lagi jika terjebak banjir tentu saja harus ditunda dahulu untuk pulang kampunya.

    Sebaiknya menunggu terlebih dahulu agar keadaan berangsur surut dan aman untuk menempuh pulkam


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