Vacations Funds

10 Nov 2017

Tips To Cure Sunburn Problem

I have a very sensitive skin. My skin will turn into red easily especially around my face area every time I exposed into the sunlight. During hot day, I will apply sunblock into my skin even though I staying at home only. But there are times that I forget about the sunblock like this morning, during my morning jogging. As a result, I get sunburn around my face. Usually I use Aloe Vera gel to cure my sunburn problem. Anyway, since I have plenty of free time, I try to look through the internet on other method to cure sunburn problem. As what I’ve expected there are lots article about this topic. However, copying all the methods sound not professional to me. So here are 2 methods that caught my attention and consider as cheap and easy to me.

Use a cold Milk Compress

Not only helps to ease the heat, milk compress also creating a layer of protein which will protect our skin. What we need to do is to soak a face towel into a bowl of cold milk and hold the towel over any area of sunburns for about 10 minutes. 

Bathe in Oats.

Bathe in Oats? Well I don’t think I’ve enough supply of Oats at home to try this method. But I will give an Oats Mask a try one of these days. For this method, we may add small amount of water and honey into the Oats to make it sticky before we apply to our face.

In case you are wondering how I use Aloe Vera Gel to cure my sunburn, here are the process:

- Take 1-2 of Aloe Vera Leaf

- Cut it into small pieces using knife

- Take out the fresh gel from the leaves with spoon

- Apply the gel into the sunburn affected area
- Leave it for 10 minutes or until the gel get  absorbs and sticky.

- Wash off with cold water

So which method you want to give a try? Happy trying and do enjoy with your experiment to cure the sunburn problem.


  1. Jarang2 kunu sunburn kecuali berjemur tepi pantai 😆

  2. jangan sering terkena sinar matahari agar kulit tidak belang macan

  3. hahaha mcm tau2 je x lama lg sy nk g pantai... thanks 4 sharing

  4. Tq sharing.. boleh Cuba semua Tu senang bahan2nya

  5. I usually apply natural yogurt (can get it from any hypermarket), and it works! yay!

  6. Tq sharing...boleh cuba ni nanti.

  7. aloe vera will be very soothing for sunburn

  8. hi jmput la join n meriahkan segmen GA kt sini


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